


laksa 2

Bahan bahan

1 packet of laksa noodles
*In Riyadh you can get laksa from Msia in Panda)

1 kilo of fish (selalu orang pakai ikan kembung, i prefer to use ikan selar kuning, more tasty for me)

Daun kelsum
Bunga kantan
1 biji bwg merah
5-6 biji cili kering/cili merah (depends on how pedas you like the kuah to be)
1 inch of belacan
5-6 asam keping

For garnishing
Telur rebus
Mint leaves
Cili api
Otak udang (if you like)

Now the cooking part

1. Rebus laksa in a big pot of water sampai lembut. Jgn terlalu lembik, nanti tak sedap.Ikut step mcm rebus spagetti.

2. Rebus ikan dgn air. I usually put a few asam keping untuk hilangkan bau ikan.

3. Once ikan dah masak, take out all the tulangs and ambik isi je.

4. Blend isi ikan.(campur sikit dgn air ikan tadi)

5. Blend half of the daun kelsum, bunga kantan,onion,cili and belacan. (B)

6. Then heat the pot, pour in the fish and the blended ingredients(B). Add some water, not too much coz nanti cair sgt. U can add water later if kuah terlalu pekat.

7. Put in asam keping, garam and a little bit sugar. (ikut cita rasa masing masing)

8. Add in remainder of daun kelsum and if you like bunga kantan too.

9. Biar sampai mendidih, kalau kuah dah rasa masam take out the asam keping coz it will make your kuah extra masam kalau biar lama.

10. SIAP!!


* 600g laksa noodles (you can get it easily from supermarkets), scald in hot water and drain


* lkg flaked ikan kembong or ikan parang
* A pinch of salt
* 2000ml water

(B) Spices to grind finely:

* 6-7 fresh chillies
* 4-5 dried chillies
* 1 small piece lengkuas
* 2cm fresh turmeric
* 20 shallots
* 2 cloves garlic
* 6 candlenuts (buah keras)


* 5 stalks daun kesom
* 1 bunga kantan, cut lengthwise
* 5-4 stalks serai, smashed

Mix and strain:

* 50g tamarind (assam jawa)
* 250ml water
* 4 pieces asam keping
* 1 tbsp Maggi Belacan powder (it’s so convenient to use this, instead of roasting a piece of belacan)
* Salt and monosodium glutamate to taste

(D) Garnishing:
Slice thinly:

* 100g pineapple
* 1 cucumber
* 2 bunga kantan
* 3 red chillies
* 2 big onions
* 200g lettuce
* Mint leaves
* Enough sticky black prawn paste (hayko) – dissolve in a little hot water

Boil fish with the water. When fish is cooked remove it from the stock and flake it. Leave water (fish stock) in the pot.

Add (B) and (C) in the fish stock and simmer until it reaches the desired consistency. Put in flaked fish meat and keep the laksa gravy over a moderate heat.

Put laksa noodles into serving bowls. Spoon the laksa gravy over and garnish with (D). Serve hot with a little prawn paste.



1 kg laksa (dicelur)

1 kg ikan kembung

2 batang bunga kantan

5 keping asam gelugur

10 biji cili padi

1 tangkai daun kesum

2 sudu besar otak udang

2 batang serai (diketuk) 4 liter air

1 biji timun (dihiris)

sedikit daun salad (dihiris)

2 biji bawang besar (dihiris)

2 sudu besar cili kisar

4 biji telur rebus

Garam secukup rasa


Rebus ikan kembung hingga lembut. Buangkan tulangnya & kisar isi ikan hingga halus. Masukkan bawang besar, bunga kantan, serai, daun kesum, cili padi, cili kisar, asam gelugur, otak udang & air ke dalam periuk. Biarkan mendidih selama 20 minit. Kemudian masukkan isi ikan, garam & masak lagi selama 10 minit. Masukkan laksa ke dalam mangkuk & tuangkan kuah panas hingga penuh, bubuhkan salad, timun & telur rebus.





可可蛋糕 (原食谱请看 -- mikiko @ 绿茶蜜糖蛋糕 )
